Saturday, November 18, 2017


This is the time of year where everyone starts talking about what they are the most thankful for.  It's sad that it takes a holiday to make us ever mindful of the things we are thankful for all year long.  Is this the only time of the year you make the statement, “I am most thankful for...”?  I see people put comments on Facebook of what they are thankful for each day of the month in November.  Start on January 1, 2018 and start talking about what you are most thankful for and end it on December 31st and then start all over again.

I may not always post it on Facebook or anywhere else for that matter but I give thanks every day. There is not a day that goes by that I don't say what I am thankful for.  Every morning on my way to work the Lord and I have good conversations.  Before the sun peaks the horizon I'm already giving God thanks for the beautiful day, whether it's sunshine and warm or hot or rainy, cold and wet.  I give him thanks because I am glad he is in control and not someone else.  I thank him for my job, my family, my church and my church family, our missionaries.  I ask him to bring them all home safely. That is just a few of the many things I thank the Lord for while I'm getting ready to face my day.

In the evening when I ask the blessing over the food at home I thank the Lord for the wonderful day he has given us.   It may have been a tiring, stressful, aggrevating day but I thank the Lord for it all.   It gives me strength to know that no matter what, I am always thankful.   Just recently I was reminded how much things could be a lot worse, and for that I am thankful.   I am thankful that it wasn't.   I am thankful for the struggles we face.  Why?  Because our struggles are only a test, and test don't last forever.  Anyone remember those old Emergency Broadcast Test?  It would say, “This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System.  This is only a test.”  I hated those things but there was a reason it was done and it only lasted for a minute.   In the scheme of life these test are only for a minute and for that I am most thankful.

We spend a season celebrating and being thankful, why not spend a year, a lifetime?  Why not spend every day for the rest of your life being thankful?

My prayer is that everyone have a wonderful, safe and a very Blessed Thanksgiving. 

Love you all!

In EVERY THING give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thess. 5:18 KJV)

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