Monday, August 14, 2017

Our Newest and First Children's Book

Birthday Surprise Bookcover1

We are excited to announce the publication of our first children’s book.  Birthday Surprise can now be purchased through Amazon.  All proceeds go towards the Crenshaw County Animal Society.

You can get your copy by clicking the link below.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Where Has The Time Gone?

Recently I had written a children's book.   I wrote the book and another young lady that is more artistically talented than I am did the illustrations.   If the book looked half way decent using stick figures then I wouldn't have had a problem doing the whole book by myself.  But what child would want to read a book with illustrations of only squiggly lines?

As I was reviewing the preview for this children's book I had come to the realization that I still had a blog page that I had completely forgotten about.  Now that is strictly an issue with me and my lack of enthusiasm in writing blogs here or on any other web page.  I love writing stories, I love writing songs and I love reading books by other writers, especially new writers.  I'm a new writer too so I want someone to read my books as well.  I asked myself the question: How am I going to get people to read my books if I don't post it on webpages, websites and blogs?

When I looked back and realized that I have not written a blog on this page since 2010 I was flabbergasted.  I couldn't believe it has been that long since I have been on this website.  Or blog if you will.   I'm still trying to wrap it around my head of why I never posted anything on here.  It was like I started this page because someone had told me I needed to since I was trying to make my mark on the literary world with a new book.  Since then I've written two other ebooks, 'Mistaken Identity' and 'Brotherly Love', as well as this children's book that will be coming out on the market in just a matter of days.  The name of this book is called 'Birthday Surprise'.   If you like Dr. Seuss rhyming style stories then I hope you will like this one.  It is my first time in writing a children's book so go easy on me.

Every once in a while I would post something on my personal website,, but most of the time I usually just post on my Facebook page.  A lot has happened in my personal life since the last time I've written something on this blog page not to mention so much that has happened in the world since 2010.  They have come out with at least a half dozen or more Batman and Spider-Man movies.  Exactly how many more movies does Hollywood plan to make with those two characters?

Anyway, I am determined that if I am truly sincere about becoming a full-time writer (which I am) and speaker then I really need to step it up and step out.  So from this point forward I will not promise but I will try to get on here as well as my other website more often and let the world know that I am alive and kicking and still writing.  At least I'll try not to wait another seven years before I post something else on here.

Love you all and have a very BLESSED week!